Working in partnership with our OEM and value-added sales and distribution partners, we provide cost- and performance-effective clean manufacturing solutions. These solutions include technical consulting services, precision cleaning products, and surface inspection tools. We also provide 3D design and printing services, robotic automation and implementation services, laboratory testing, contract cleaning, and short-term equipment rental services for on-site clean manufacturing process development.
Clean manufacturing technology provides unique production solutions for the bench, production line, and within a production tool. Our clean manufacturing approach involves the use of lean and green technology employing renewable resources to create lean and green manufacturing processes. For example, combining CO2 based cleaning, cooling, and lubrication solutions with conventional manufacturing processes such as adhesive bonding, welding, wire bonding, machining, painting, inspection, and many other examples, completely changes the way products are produced – resulting in significantly less manufacturing waste generation.
As shown in figure below, the new production model transforms manufacturing tools, processes, and production lines.